Your WinScry Subscription

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Your WinScry Subscription




Step 1.


Using the Tools menu in the main window click Renew / Upgrade Your Subscription. You can also click the Subscription button on the main toolbar (see the Main Window)



Renew / Upgrade your subscription

Click to Zoom

Step 2.


A. Check the I would like to renew or upgrade my subscription box.


B. Enter your contact email, contact person's name, and a contact phone number. These values will pre-fill with data from your HermeTech Account, so verify that they are correct. After you submit your request customer service will use these fields to contact you to verify your purchase and arrange for billing, invoices, etc.


C. To renew / extend your subscription: Check the Renew For box and select how many years you would like to renew / extend your subscription for.


D. To upgrade your subscription to allow more monitors: Check the Upgrade To box and select how many monitors you would like your subscription to accommodate.




Once you have completed your selections click the Submit button. This generates an internal email to WinScry Support where your order will be processed within 2 business days. If your need is more urgent you can always contact customer service anytime 24/7 and place your order by telephone (See Contact Us).